Q: Who started the Open Road Foundation and when?
A: The Open Road Foundation was created by the partners of Fenway Partners, a private equity firm, in August 2008.
Q: What is the purpose of the Open Road Foundation?
A: The Open Road supports and benefits the men and women, and their dependants, who are affiliated with eligible transportation and logistics companies within the AVC Partners portfolio as well as other eligible companies.
Q: Is the Open Road Foundation a charity?
A: The Open Road Foundation is defined by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization and, as so, all donations made to the Open Road Foundation are tax deductible pursuant to acceptable accounting standards.
Q: Who is eligible to receive financial support from the Open Road Foundation?
A: All employees and independent contractor drivers and their drivers as well as dependants affiliated with or contracted to affiliated companies are eligible. Dependants are defined as children living with one or both parents.
Q: Where does the funding come from for the Open Road Foundation?
A: The Open Road Foundation is funded by various sources, including the business partners of participating companies and friends of the Open Road Foundation.
Q: What financial assistance programs does the Open Road Foundation provide?
A: The Open Road Foundation provides financial assistance in two specific areas: victim assistance and educational scholarships.
Q: What is considered victim assistance?
A: Victim assistance is financial assistance provided by the Foundation following a personal tragedy or hardship such as a fatal traffic accident, the loss of a home due to severe weather or other natural disaster, fire, etc. Other situations may qualify for assistance and will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the senior management of the company in which the employee or independent contractor works and/or the Board of Trustees of the Open Road Foundation. Victim assistance grants are not intended to replace personal insurance benefits related to an on-the-job injury or accident.
Q: How much victim assistance funding is available through the Open Road Foundation?
A: The Open Road Foundation will consider each request on a case-by-case basis with the maximum grant awarded being $2,500 per request. Impacted individuals may apply for victim assistance once per calendar year.
Q: Is the Open Road Foundation involved in providing insurance in the case of an accident?
A: No. The Open Road Foundation is in no way connected to or dependent on any insurance coverage and/or benefits provided as a result of an accident or incident. A grant from the Open Road Foundation is made solely at the discretion of the Board of Trustees of the Open Road Foundation regardless of any insurance benefits received by any individuals connected to an event.
Q: How do I apply for victim assistance?
A: Recognition of need or ability to request assistance begins within each participating company. After The Open Road Foundation receives the application form, it will be forwarded to the senior management team of the employee's company to review all requests for assistance. After determining the validity of the request and determining an award recommendation, the participating company will then coordinate with the Open Road Foundation and provide a brief summary of the circumstances surrounding the request, the requested amount, and any other relevant details. The applicant will then be notified of the decision of the Board of Trustees.
Q: How long will it take for the Open Road Foundation to make its decision?
A: The Open Road Foundation Board of Trustees will respond within 7-14 days to any request for victim assistance funding. The response will be provided to the appropriate contact at the sponsoring portfolio company who will then communicate with the employee or independent contractor or their family
Q: Can an employee or independent contractor make a request on behalf of someone else?
A: Yes. If an employee or independent contractor knows of a need by an eligible employee or independent contractor other than themselves, that employee or independent contractor may nominate someone else in need of victim assistance support. In the event the assistance is granted, the funds will be distributed directly to the impacted party and not to the person who nominated the other party.
Q: If I receive victim assistance, will payroll or other taxes be withheld?
A: No. However, depending on an individual’s personal tax situation, taxes may be due on the funds granted. Individuals who receive financial assistance from the Open Road Foundation should consult a qualified accountant to determine how the assistance might impact their personal tax liability.
Q: What if I don’t agree with the decision or the amount of money granted to me by the Open Road Foundation?
A: The Board of Trustees has the sole authority and discretion on the final amount of victim assistance funding provided, if any. The decision of the Board of Trustees, in all cases, will be final.
Q: Who is eligible for Open Road Foundation scholarships?
A: The same rules apply for an Open Road Scholarship as for all other eligibility requirements for Open Road Foundation funds. Employees and/or independent contractors and their dependents, affiliated with affiliated companies, are eligible. Recipients must be enrolled or planning to enroll full-time (12 semester hours per semester) in the upcoming school year in an accredited four-year university, junior college, or technical school.
Q: What amount of funding is available and how many scholarships will be awarded and when?
A: Scholarships will be awarded each July for the following school year. The Open Road Foundation Board of Trustees will determine each year the number of scholarships to be awarded and the dollar amount of the scholarships.
Q: Do I have to spend the scholarship money or certain things?
A: Yes. Scholarship funds will be provided directly to the prescribed school or university in the name of the recipient. Funds are to be used for any use approved by the school or university, including tuition and fees, as well as books, food and housing.
Q: What happens if I don’t spend all the money?
A: Any unused funds at the end of the completed semester will be distributed within the normal guidelines of the school or university.
Q: Do I have to take certain classes or major in particular areas to receive a scholarship?
A: The Board of Trustees scholarship selection committee reserves the right to use your intended major or class selection as a factor in determining recipients. Those applicants pursuing transportation and/or logistics related degrees may receive higher selection priority. However, pursuing such a transportation and/or logistics related degree is not required.
Q: How do I apply for an educational scholarship?
A: Scholarship applications are available here on our website. Unlike victim assistance requests, all scholarship applications should be forwarded to the Open Road Foundation by the application deadline listed on the application.
Q: Where should scholarship applications be sent?
A: Applications should be sent by mail to: The Open Road Foundation, P.O. Box 92777, Southlake, TX 76092 or e-mailed to bwebb@legacyfem.com.